NNNow News Blog

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Whatever Happened to Stanley Terrace?

Rumour has it there's a dispute between the condo developers and the city regarding what used to be the south end of Stanley Terrace. They started work, but it's been sitting ugly and unfinished for over a year now.

Whether it's developers, the city, or some other red tape, the end result is an eyesore for everyone.

Let's hope they're not waiting until the so-new-no-one-knew "Parc" development from Brad Lamb.


patrisha said...

i think it was meant to be a public right of way... i would like to see this issue brought up again, re. Parc, particularly after the Globe and Mail article in which there was a quote...something like..."Step out of your gate onto the Park.." And with reference to that shouldn't Parc be named Games Field or something given the soccer and baseball activities, human and canine that takes place there...Or is there plans for gentrification there too?

And oh, yes...How come the Globe and Mail know about Parc prior to our Councillor's office being able to tell the community anything about it? Isn't that odd?

Sagar @ Accord Collective said...

I really hope they fix up Stanley Terrace, I live on Stanley Terrace and that part is just a mess